Monday, June 23, 2008

Let us register for voter card

Hi Folks,

How many times we thought how to reduce corruption in politics ? How many times we thought how can we restore democracy to the way, it is designed to work ?

On the other hand, how much effort did we put to solve those problems ? close to zero.

Present System of struggle-earn-live-struggle-earn-live cycle is ensuring that we donn really live the way we want to live. We can't change our lives in a fortnight, but with a sense of will ,responsibilty ,courage and more importantly action of start doing smaller contributions to society and we will very soon find ourselves on our way to the world we want to live.

Remember that , it is nothing else but little drops of water that make up the ocean.

This is a forward e-mail from one of my friends, which I feel is immensely valuable to all of us.

E-REGISTRATION FOR VOTER CARD for APPPL ALL OVER THE WORLD REGISTER IN THE BELOW LINK (USA OR UK R CANADA DOESNT MATTER. JUST REGISTER.)IF YOU 'LL BE THERE IN A.P AT THE TIME OF GENERAL ELECTIONS 2009 I.E around MAY 2009 . YOU CAN CAST YOUR VOTERemember, those who don't vote, don't have the right to complain about current system.Friends... if you are over 18 and still didn't have voter card. pls apply for it.You can register your details online. you are not sure whether your name is there in the voter's list or not, check it select district and MLA constituency.THIS IS OFFICIAL SITE FOR ELECTION COMMISSION OF ANDHRA PRADESH. IT'S A GOVT SITE. EVEN YOU CAN CHECK YOUR APPLICATION STATUS.YOU'LL GET APPILCATION NO. AS SOON YOU SUBMIT THE FORM. KEEP THAT WITH YOU FOR FUTURE REFERENCE."Utilize your Vote Power and make a change"Your vote can bring a better government……. New Government ……..Pls forward to your friends and Contribute for Better Andhra Pradesh

Niranjan: If you have already registered one. It is good . Do not need to register again.

If not,register right now.